TOP – English

TOM Co., Ltd.

Expert of Branding and Marketing

※TOM is abbreviation for Top of Mind. Designation is Tom.

TOM Co., Ltd. is expert pf Branding and Marketing.
We imprement Value-creating consulting

Now that society is rapidly becoming futuristic, routine work will shift to AI, and the role of humans will shift to value creation.

Also, it will be issue the implementation of human capital management.

Specifically, instead of doing the given work, It is necessary to transform human resources and organizations into action-oriented personnel and organizations that have a way of thinking and attitudes that create value on their own.

Based on the branding and marketing know-how cultivated at Hakuhodo, TOM provides action-supporting consulting that transforms your company into a value-creating action group using TOM’s unique methods.

Service Contents

TOM uses know-how for the branding, marketing, and various strategic planning which we have cultivated to help your company or local public entity development


Branding, Marketing DX
New business development, product development

Seminar, Training

Training, Lecture, Workshop, Webinar


Copy, Key Visual, Video

Planning and development of video books

Planning and development of e-books with videos
Here is details for a video book.

Representative Director

Ryo Sudo
Representative Director/Marketing Planner

At Hakuhodo, he has been in charge of client companies such as Toyota, Kao, KFC, JT, Ajinomoto, All Nippon Airways, McDonald’s, and Astellas Pharma Inc as Marketing and Strategic Planning jobs for 35 years.

Starting in Bangkok, Thailand in 2001, he has been working overseas for about 13 years.

In the latter half of 15 years at Hakuhodo, he worked with Toyota Motor Corporation as a client and was in charge of branding and communication strategy.

He returned to Japan in 2013 and left Hakuhodo in 2015 and established TOM Co., Ltd. (Top of Mind)


  • In 1980年
    Graduated school of law in Waseda University, entered Hakuhodo.
  • In 1991年
    Seconded to Unilever Japan (NIPPON LEVER)
  • In 2001年
    Chief of Hakuhodo Asia Branding & Solutions in Bangkok
  • In 2005年
    From 2005~2013, Resided in Hongkon, Guangzhou and Beijing
  • In 2015年
    Leaving Hakuhodo, Established TOM Co., Ltd. and being Representative Director.
  • 2017年
    Appointed Joint PR Advisor (until 2020)
  • 2019年
    Appointed Director of Hon TUBE Co., Ltd.

TOM original method

As our original know-how, we have the “Ribbon Frame planning technique”, a template for strategic planning which creates important strategies which will determine the future of the company, and the “Backcasting method” which builds the company’s future strategy.

Ribbon Frame planning technique

Ribbon Frame planning technique image

There are steps in planning and strategic planning. To put it simply, it is “collecting information for a purpose, analyzing it, narrowing down the issues, deciding strategies, and creating an action plan.”

Ribbon Frame is the very thing which visualizes the process of this planning.

In this way, it is divided into four sections, and if you fill it in following steps, the project will be completed in a moment.

Ribbon Frame was once used globally by Hakuhodo, and TOM added its own flavor to the frame, then continues to this day.

Backcasting method

Backcasting method image

This is TOM’s original method based on the Backcasting method.

In business, for issues and themes which has no exact answer with high uncertainty such as DX promotion and SDGs.

It is attracting as a method to draw a future goal and conside concrete measures to achieve it.

In Backcasting method, after confirming the current position, we define the “desired state/ideal state” based on trends in the world, customers, and technology, and derive strategies and measures to achieve it.

TOM promote steadily and efficiently promote work by developing our own template and filling it in with members.


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